Holidays bring about a mix of emotions. Deep feelings, expectations, and reflection as well as celebration, joy, and cheer. The mixture can be very confusing. Listen in to hear “Your Tribe’s” experience in managing the expectations and pressures of the holidays.
Aimee Allen
Haig Partners
Brigitta Hoeferle
The Center of NLP
Cindy Kavanagh
Jeanne Zierhoffer
JZ Lifestyle Team
Kendall Rawls
The Rawls Group: Business Succession Planners
Your tribe is just that, YOURS, which means, please reach if you have something you would like to chat about with us, or maybe chime in on. Share your thoughts and ideas by reaching out to any one of us through the contact information below. Thank you to our 5 excellent coaches for sharing insight and perspectives and showing the power of vulnerability.
Music provided by:
“Your Tribe” is produced by The Rawls Group – Business Succession Planners.
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